
"A New Song for the World" CD Album(1): A New Song for the World

加入 2008-08-07 16:46:56 | 長度: 6分15秒 | 類別: 歌曲
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Composer: Jacek Wholers Lyrics by: U.S. Dafa Practitioner Length: 6:16
Singer: Michael Hackmayer Performer/Accompanist: Jacek Wholers Date: 9/19/2004

In 1992 Chinese qigong master Mr. Li Hongzhi began spreading the practice of Falun Gong in China, giving lectures to several thousand people at a time in various cities across China. With its amazing ability to restore and improve physical and mental health, the practice spread rapidly throughout China by word of mouth. When communist leader, Jiang Zemin, discovered that the number Falun Dafa practitioners was nearly 100 million, he feared that it was a threat to his own power and banned Falun Gong, also called Falun Dafa, in July 1999.

From far, far away comes the Teacher,
He does not want people to remember his name,
But rather the song, the song he teaches.
The lyrics of the song are not about fame, or strife or material gain.
Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is the theme and the melody.
With honor, virtue and courage as the refrain.

From all walks of life, come the singers.
They sing and sing to fill the world with kindness and harmony.
The lyrics of the song are not about fame, or strife or material gain.
Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is the theme and the melody.
With honor, virtue and courage as the refrain.

Alarm, things suddenly change!
Because they cannot be directly controlled,
They are persecuted, defamed, beaten, tortured, imprisoned, killed
And declared Enemies of the State by the country of their birth!
By the country of their birth!
However, they have never, even in self defense, struck back against their oppressors.

They rely on TRUTH to give them courage,
On COMPASSION that fills their hearts,
On FORBEARANCE that gives them inner strength,
To clarify the truth to the world.
Peace and tolerance for the world begins within each of them.
Therefore, they persevere and the song endures.

The choir continues to grow and sing,
In villages and cities all over the world.
The lyrics of the song are not about fame or strife or material gain,
Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is the theme and the melody.
With honor, virtue and courage as the refrain.
Sing, sing along.
Sing this new song.
Join the voices now millions strong.
Falun Dafa fills our life with Truth-Compassion-Forbearance.
[Spoken: Sing along, in gentle voices,
Fill your hearts with kindness and peace.]

Sing, sing along,
This new song fills our earth forever with harmony and goodness.

關鍵字:  Li   Hongzhi     China   Falun   Gong     Jiang   Zemin   Falun   Dafa   July   1999   Truth-Compassion-Forbearance